Monday, September 17, 2018

Appeal to deputies of Zhovkva district council of Lviv region. Dear deputies!

Appeal to deputies of Zhovkva district council of Lviv region.
Dear deputies!

Please consider my proposal to deprive Zhovkhyshyn and Lviv region of the environmental disaster - the Lviv landfill, which poisons and destroys the habitat of residents of the surrounding villages. Also, this landfill poisons the aquifers of drinking water of Lviv region. At the same time, this territory becomes unfit for living. I ask you to share with me the historical responsibility for making a decision on the destruction of landfills, which will radically, economically and environmentally change the future of Zhovkivsky region !!!

My landfill destruction program is based on my personal inventions, through which I get a cheap surplus electricity from the turboelectric generator I have invented to use a comprehensive system for recycling garbage into technical carbon. This technology is super-profitable, but has no analogs in the world !!!

In the case of a project to build a plant for the production of technical carbon by an investor-investor, 44 million tons of carbon black from 55 million tons of garbage will be processed and received, which has accumulated over 56 years of the existence of the Lviv solid waste landfill in the village. V. Gribovichi Using my technology - the system of the autonomous regenerative electrochemical system of alternative power supply - APECAE, the landfill will be destroyed and recycled in about 10 years, while 2/3 of the surplus electricity produced can be transferred for consumption by residents of the surrounding villages at a reduced rate.

For example, at Westinghouse Plasma Corporation (USA), the most powerful and modern waste recycling plant in the world, it takes at least 115 years to process such waste.

Main project factors and the feasibility of the proposed project:
-the availability of its own cheap electricity, which will be produced with the help of its own turbine generator "STELS" and "APEŠ”AE" system (O. Yekimovskikh's inventions);
- free raw material for the production of carbon black;
- lack of transportation costs;
- Sufficient local qualified staff:
- preferential tax legislation in Ukraine and the EU.

Thus, in the territory of the landfill in 35 hectares, there can be 3 plants with a total area of ​​11Ga. The capacity of plants that will produce technical carbon will be from 3 to 5 million tons. About 1100 people will work at the garbage processing and plant complex. The total produced electric and thermal capacity will be approximately 120 mWh, including the costs for own needs.

This groundbreaking and unprecedented project is the basis of transforming energy-intensive and dirty waste recycling technologies into a number of clean and high-performing industries of carbon black and high-purity carbon for new generation auto-electric accumulators and batteries for other electric-consuming devices.

Therefore, my appeal to you is the beginning of a great long way in implementing this project in life. After my presentation - I ask the Rayon Council to create a commission to study this issue with the involvement of competent working groups of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities, the Ministry of Ecology of Ukraine, scientific and technical experts. The investors who can be proposed by the deputies and the working group will be studied and considered. The list of investors to whom I have sent suggestions on cooperation is in Appendix 1. All other information, in accordance with this Project, is available on my website for free access.

Not enough activity of the mayor of Lviv, A. Sadovy, concerning the financing of canning of garbage, is a criminal offense that violates all the environmental norms of Ukraine and the European Union in relation to ensuring the protection of the rights of Ukrainian citizens in health matters. Deputies who support the rehabilitation of the trash are the cradles of the criminal activity of the Mayor of Lviv - A. Sadovy.

All Lviv city industry is buried on Lviv landfill, including three lakes with sour tar and poisonous petrochemical waste in this territory.

Reclamation of the landfill site is an environmental bomb of a delayed action, which for centuries will destroy us and the environment! This is the way to hell !!!

From the responsible understanding of the decisions made and the correct real actions for the project of destroying the landfill, depending on the future of our children, the fate of Zhovkva region and Lviv region.

I believe in your wisdom! Together we will definitely win this terrible misfortune. And future generations of Ukrainians thank us for it !!!

Sincerely, O. Yekimovskikh!

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